Dear Fellow Scholars and Guardians, It brings us great pleasure to welcome you to NLV School (NEW LIFE VISION +2 HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL) while acknowledging that this foundation is the result of our collective and helpful efforts. We never say that all of our students will be physicians, pilots, engineers, and so on, but we can tell you that they will be excellent citizens of the nation, capable of knowing this land and being reasonable and inventive enough to solve their own issues. We are confident that this institution will be a good fit because it offers both theoretical and practical expertise.

The notion of “Five Minds for Future” proposed by American psychologist, author, and theorist Howard Gardner has had a significant impact on us. The notion of “Five Minds for Future” is essentially about the five mental traits that every human must cultivate in order to compete and flourish in the future. Our teaching-learning technique and student-centered education system at NLV School are all about assisting in the development of the five minds proposed by Howard Gardner- The Disciplined Mind Our school’s teaching-learning emphasis will be on facts and established theories in order for our pupils to get practical information and abilities in establishing this frame of mind.

The Mind That Synthesizes To foster this mindset, our school will place a greater emphasis on offering information technology resources, standard mechanisms for disseminating information, collaborative projects, and so on, so that our students may gather and share the greatest ideas.

धनुषा क्षेत्र नम्बर २ मा ग्रामिण भेकका प्राईभेट स्तरबाट सँचालित पहिलो उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालय । धनुषा जिल्लाको जनकनन्दिनी गाउँपालिका वडा नं. ४ खजुरी रेल्वे स्टेशनमा अवस्थित ।


New Life Vision Higher Secondary School is one of the reputed Educational institute in east-Dhanusha. We care your child as our Family and treat as guardian for better future your child. We provide as much facilities for better study and better result and responsibility for this society. Yes ! We Proive;


We care your child for future builder, National builder, so we are providing Science LAB for examine the science for your Strong CHILD.


Computer is one of the part of LIFE of human being in the sense of FUTURE and EDUCATION. We provide Computer Education also to your child for better Education. 


LIABRARY | is the main part of study, where we can rise our study x2 faster for success. If we Know about our courses and book we can rise easily to the future. Your child is future.


Main part of society is our culture, Yes ! our Maithili Culture is one of the best culture in the world, where junior also has been respected by the senior. We teach Culture with Study.

Inspiration Possibilities

NEW LIFE VISION HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL | An Educational institute from Dhanusha, KHAJURI. No Compromise in quality education, No compromise for your child FUTURE, and We are trying our best for your child performance in education sector. we make your child STRONG as possible, Where we provide not only quality education also teach about our CULTURE, which most important for our society. New Life Vision School also running for +2 Higher education in EDUCATION & MANAGEMENT sector. 

सूचना तथा जानकारीहरु | INFORMATIONS


Admission Open

भर्ना सम्बन्धि सुचना, यस वर्ष २०८० साल बैशाख मसान्त सम्म भर्ना हुने जानकारी गराउद छौ। हरेक वर्ष जस्तै यो वर्ष...

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 Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem...

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5 Best Courses For 2019 To Boost

 Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem...

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NLV Family
A Group Photo in front of New Life Vision +2 Higher secondary school
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This is our School Building Where our Childs are posing to Camera.
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This is our Welcome | Main Entrance Gate For NLV
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Our Team is best team for our organization, We Respect all Our Staff and Members.
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We are always responsible to our society, we are making clean and green Khajuri Area.
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Dear Parents,
On behalf of NEW LIFE VISION family, I extend a very warm welcome to you. We started our journey in pursuit of excellence in January 2016 and it has been a wonderful experience so far. One that will be cherished by all associated with this school. We passionately believe in everything that this school stands for and its promise to be a trendsetter in the field of education in Nepal. An education of the highest quality is the greatest gift that parents can give to their children. The next global generation will need exceptional academic and intellectual creativity to take on positions of leadership and address the many challenges that face our world. Given this, it is vitally important that the leading school in 21st century provide a genuinely holistic international education to prepare learners for the responsibilities they will face in their lives. In NEW LIFE VISION we follow Nepal Government curriculum. Academic and co-curricular activities offers the opportunity to all students to discover and re-discover their personalities. At NEW LIFE VISION SCHOOL, we understand that children need not always be taught to do things the way adults think is correct, instead they should be encouraged to learn in their own way, under the guidance of teachers. We are pledged to live up to the rising expectations of parents and setting a benchmark in the field of quality education. I conclude my message with invitation to you to visit NEW LIFE VISION School located in the Historical Place KHAJURI RAILWAY STATION
Dear Parents,
At NEW LIFE VISION SCHOOL, we believe in providing the highest quality of education in a safe, nurturing and stress free environment.

NLV is a “learningful” school fully committed to providing learning opportunities to our students in all ways possible. The entire school community renders its unwavering support to create and operate systems that scaffold our endeavour to provide ‘holistic education’. Our level of care and support is unmatched as we recognize and celebrate differences in individual students.

An important part of our school is nurturing and strengthening the bond between the pupil, school and parents. Our ‘parental engagement program’ encourages and enlists support from parents to ensure the success of every student of New Life Vision School.

With a trained, qualified staff and a strong focus on continuous professional development, we are in constant touch with the latest educational practices and methodologies. Our aim is to equip our students to become ‘Global citizens’ of tomorrow. Choosing New Life Vision as the school for your child will be the best gift that you can give to him/her.
The Prospectus will give you an overview of school. However, if you would like to know more about us or visit the school, please contact us and we will facilitate the same.

New Admission Open !

Dear Guardians!  We would like to announce that, we have open Admission for class Play Group To class 8 . we would like to request that for your child future please visit once in school or book your child seat by phone call also, we are happy to announce THE NEW ADMISSION.